Startup Idea

The Platform For De-platformed Influencers

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Basic Description

With more and more influencers getting banned from social media platforms new opportunities arise.

Not only do they need a new home to broadcast their (usually non-mainstream) views to an audience of people who themselves do not trust mainstream news channels but they also a way to find new followers to continue growing.

Influencers can face being punished by being de-platformed as well as demonetized which is where the platforms stop them from earning money from the ads on their own content.

You could capitalize on this by providing all of those voices on one platform, with content categorized by subject to help visitors find alternative points of view on the subjects they are looking into.

In comparison to the big social media platforms that host content, your platform would have to engage in tighter controls of the content to ensure that although it may not be mainstream thinking it doesn’t break the law and land you in trouble.

Monetization may be harder as advertisers may find the de-platformed personalities a higher risk to their brand – many de-platformed personalities have moved on to selling their own products in-house.

This startup idea is a risky one but if done correctly could find itself spread like wildfire among social media and traditional media channels.

Establishing yourself as the anti-mainstream media outlet you could form a strong bond with your audience as the source for unbiased points of view and build a strong brand that way.

At A Glance

What are the most important factors about this startup idea?

Market Size

Hard to say

A larger market size for a product/service is usually better.

Initial Investment


This is the minimum amount of cash you would need to test an MVP yourself.

Growing Market

This startup idea is in a growing market, suggesting that there could well be increasing opportunities.

Not Evergreen

This idea is not evergreen and hasn't got an established track record and may have a shorter life.

Not Seasonal

This idea is not seasonal and should provide a stable income all year round.

Not Hands Off

This startup requires human intervention in the running of it to continue producing money.

Important Factors

What are the most important things to consider with the "The Platform For De-platformed Influencers" startup idea.

How It Makes Money

With many eyeballs coming back regularly you could experiment with in-house private-labeled products as well as finding advertisers happy to promote themselves among risky influencers. If you have a strong enough brand you could request donations.

Required Skills

Using WordPress you could access many of the features you would need using a premium theme and several plugins to create something quite impressive without having to code at all. Writing about de-platformed news to create an MVP will require knowledge of that world and the ability to write in an interesting way.

Building An MVP

Starting this idea off as a newsletter would be the easiest OR even as a microblog on a platform like Substack which can also email new posts out to those who have requested it. Writing about the current de-platformed influencers and any new ones that may have been in the news recently should provide enough interesting content.

Initial Traction

Finding people interested in content about people being de-platformed should be easy using social media. Simply use the search function on Twitter and look for people talking about the current de-platformed subjects (that you will have covered in a blog post/newsletter) and point them in the direction of your own content or ask them to follow you.

Growth Hacks

What are some growth hacks you could experiment with to really launch this startup?

  1. Focus on Free Speech: Emphasize the importance of free speech and open dialogue on your platform. Position your platform as a safe space for individuals who have been de-platformed or silenced on other platforms, promoting a diverse range of voices and opinions.
  2. Engage with Influencers: Reach out to de-platformed influencers directly, inviting them to join your platform. Offer them a supportive environment where they can express their views freely. Engaging influencers early can help attract their followers to the platform.
  3. Content Variety: Encourage influencers to create diverse content, including videos, articles, podcasts, and live streams. A variety of content types can attract different audiences and keep the platform engaging for users.
  4. Community Moderation: Implement community guidelines that focus on genuine safety concerns rather than censoring opinions. Empower the community to moderate content by reporting inappropriate behavior or hate speech. Transparency in the moderation process can build trust among users.
  5. User Onboarding: Make the onboarding process smooth and user-friendly for both influencers and followers. Provide clear instructions on how to set up profiles, create content, and engage with others on the platform. A positive initial experience encourages users to stay and explore further.
  6. Partnerships with Free Speech Advocates: Collaborate with organizations and individuals advocating for free speech and digital rights. Partnerships can lend credibility to your platform and attract supporters who are passionate about preserving online freedom.
  7. Promote Engaging Discussions: Encourage influencers to host live Q&A sessions, debates, and panel discussions on current events and controversial topics. Engaging discussions can attract viewers interested in diverse perspectives and thoughtful conversations.
  8. Exclusive Content: Offer influencers the option to create exclusive content for their subscribers. Exclusive content can incentivize followers to join the platform and financially support their favorite influencers.
  9. Incentivize Early Adopters: Offer incentives to early influencers and followers, such as badges, special features, or promotional opportunities. Early adopters can help set the tone for the platform's community and attract others to join.
  10. User Feedback: Actively seek feedback from users to understand their needs and concerns. Regularly solicit feedback through surveys or direct communication to identify areas for improvement and address user satisfaction.
  11. Transparency and Accountability: Be transparent about the platform's policies, funding sources, and decision-making processes. Accountability and transparency can build trust with both influencers and users, fostering a sense of community ownership.
  12. Media Outreach: Engage with media outlets, bloggers, and influencers who support free speech and digital freedom. Positive media coverage can increase your platform's visibility and attract influencers and users sympathetic to your cause.
  13. Educational Content: Create educational content explaining the importance of free speech, online censorship issues, and digital privacy. Educational materials can attract users who are passionate about these topics and are seeking a platform that aligns with their values.

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