Startup Idea

A Buzzfeed Clone Using ChatGPT

Basic Description is a popular viral news website that shot to fame thanks to its clever clickbait content.

At one point it was making incredible amounts of money and the company was valued at $750m in early 2022.

Since then the stock price of the company has fallen after being listed on the stock exchange in December of 2021.

Earnings for the company have slightly increased year-on-year but with heavier costs the company is now losing money rather than making it.

Using the awesome 80/20 rule you could look at what works for the BuzzFeed platform and replicate it while reducing costs massively.

I’m not suggesting that you will rule the internet with your own BuzzFeed clone but you could seriously cut back on the costs using ChatGPT.

By avoiding having to pay writers you can instead focus on growth and promotion of your own viral content using BuzzFeed as a template.

There are lots of case studies and research done on BuzzFeed and its rise to success that you can look into also.

At A Glance

What are the most important factors about this startup idea?

Market Size

$140 Billion Per Year

A larger market size for a product/service is usually better.

Initial Investment


This is the minimum amount of cash you would need to test an MVP yourself.

Growing Market

This startup idea is in a growing market, suggesting that there could well be increasing opportunities.

Not Evergreen

This idea is not evergreen and hasn't got an established track record and may have a shorter life.

Not Seasonal

This idea is not seasonal and should provide a stable income all year round.

Not Hands Off

This startup requires human intervention in the running of it to continue producing money.

Important Factors

What are the most important things to consider with the "A Buzzfeed Clone Using ChatGPT" startup idea.

How It Makes Money

Display advertising would be the easiest way to produce revenue. You can get a variety of different advertisement types such as Taboola style relevant content tabs and high-paying video ads.

Covered more in-depth in the Market Research report below

Required Skills

A journalistic eye would be ideal but really if you aren't responsible for the content being posted to the site then you can focus on marketing. A marketer with a keen eye for growth hacking will surely be able to make this idea a success.

Building An MVP

Using a blogging platform such as WordPress you can find themes that already specialise in viral content style websites. Pair this up with your research of what is trending right now and use ChatGPT to produce the content itself.

Initial Traction

Publishing the viral content to your own social media should get you a small amount of traffic. Posting links to the content inside other people's social media should help you piggy back off their success but this must be done with care to avoid getting banned.

See the in-depth Initial Traction report further down the page

In-Depth Reports

These are the in-depth reports put together specifically for this idea.

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Market Research For A Clone

Market research covers subjects such as target markets and customers. It is an important early document in business strategy.
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Industry Insights For A Clone

An industry insights report typically provides an overview of an industry, market or sector covering past and future trends.
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SWOT Analysis For A Clone

A SWOT analysis will help you identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats within an organisation or an idea.
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Initial Traction Ideas For A Clone

Initial traction refers to your first customers. A group of people that will show you what you are doing right and wrong.
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Growth Hacks For A Clone

Growth hacks are ideas that are tested on your audience to improve the experience and more often increase revenue.
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